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SAVE THE DATE! As the 4th edition of Radio-Hull is approaching fast, the Centre de production DAÏMÔN team is pleased to announce a new addition to its programming, the Radio-Hull: Pro Forum. On September 14th and 15th, you are invited to Gatineau to two days of discussions, meetings and panels on the role of broadcasting and transmission technologies, their territorial scope and their impact on the development of artistic practices. PROGRAMMING AT A GLANCE

September 14th, 2023 10 AM: Broadcasting, territories, and artist centers 11 AM: Dinner and open mic 2 PM: Interdisciplinarity and broadcasting 7 PM: Local audio art | Listening session presented by DAÏMÔN September 15th, 2023 10 AM: Inhabiting the sound space 11 AM: Dinner and open mic 2 PM: Inspiring and unusual pan-Canadian radio initiatives 7 PM: Electronic concert | A DAÏMÔN and DEBASER co-presentation

** Please note that refreshments, snacks, and lunches will be available on site. A contribution of $25 is suggested.


To register for the Radio-Hull : Pro Forum, click here.

To find all about the program, follow us on Facebook.


To listen to local music or for more information about Radio-Hull, visit We would love to hear from you so do not hesitate to contact our team via email at


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