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Paroles d'artistes - Laurence Broydé | AXENÉO7

Updated: Sep 13, 2023

Laurence Broydé, a French artist in residence at AXENÉO7 artist-run centre in winter 2023,

talks about her practice in the project Paroles d'artistes - Laurence Broydé, which straddles the border between art and craft, and is infused with an eco-feminist vision of working with materials. In this interview, she describes the process of her two months spent in Quebec, and explains the influence of the environment on her work.

This residency is part of a partnership resulting from a cross-residencies agreement

concluded between the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) and le Lieu

Unique (Nantes, France).


Founded in 1983, AXENÉO7 is an artist-run center dedicated to advocating, promoting, and

exhibiting the visual arts, while developing critical discourse around them. It is a gathering

place for sharing and experimentation. Through a critically engaged program, it endeavours

to expand the parameters of artistic practice and its presentation, and to improve artists’

conditions for production.


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